Tuesday 23 December 2014

MH370: Missing Malaysia Airlines plane 'shot down' by US Air Force

Mark Dugain, former CEO of Proteus Airlines, believes the mystery Boeing 777 was shot out of the sky by the US Air Force fearing another September 11 attack.
The Frenchman's claims emerged in a recent edition of Paris Match, where he explains how he spoke with residents in the Maldives after the event. He said locals told him of how they saw a "huge plane" with "red and blue stripes on a white background” had flown over them at a "low altitude".

And others, on the island of Baarah, showed him photos of devices seized by Maldives military that experts believed was a Malaysia Airlines fire extinguisher. From his experience, Mr Dugain believes the plane was travelling past the island of Diego Garcia, where a US Navy base is situated, when it came down.
He added that the plane's computers were probably being controlled in a remote hacking, which caused it to change its path. He also claimed a fire on board may have triggered the fire extinguishers to drop. The mystery plane was carrying 239 people when it went missing on March 8. None of the passengers or staff have been found.
Mr Dugain is not the first big aviation name to speak out about a potential conspiracy theory. Emirates president and CEO Sir Tim Clark made world headlines in October claiming search teams should have found some sort of wreckage. And he said it "raises a degree of suspicion".
A large-scale search has been ongoing over the Indian Ocean, where experts believe the plane may have come down. Officials believe the search, which was meant to conclude by May 2015, may not be complete until 2016.

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