Wednesday 10 December 2014

Rhianna Is Pregnant

so according to MTO, Rhianna is pregnant, and like always, they can bet their life with it. As their usual custom, they are 100% sure this time. Ofcourse, they are always sure of their rumours. Anyway, this is how the news is being reported. just received a BLOCKBUSTER report yesterday - Rihanna is PREGNANT. This is NOT rumors y'all . . . it's 100% CERTIFIED FACTS!!!
We spoke with TWO SEPARATE SOURCES that told us that Rihanna is working on a NEW SONG ON HER ALBUM - where she will talk about being pregnant. One tipster explained, "The song is a ballad,where Rihanna talks about the "baby growing inside me."
And there's more. Rihanna has banned ALL WEED SMOKING inside the studio while she records - a VERY unusual step for Rihanna, who is known for smoking weed like a CHIMNEY!!
We're told that Rihanna is EXTREMELY happy about having a baby, and that she JUST FOUND OUT about her pregnancy a FEW DAYS AGO!! Congratulations to Rih - we LOVE HER TO DEATH and are so HAPPY about her new family.
As for the father - we have NO IDEA WHO IT CAN BE - some folks are speculating that it could be Drake. But we don't have ANY INFORMATION on who it can be.
Oh and we are not 80% sure about this, or 90% . . . we're 100% ON RIH BEING PREGNANT. In fact, we're SO CERTAIN . . . that we'll bet ANY MEDIA COMPANY that doubts Rihanna's pregnancy $10,000. Come on . . . anyone wanna put their MONEY UP against our reporting!!!

1 comment: said...

Yeyyyyy I luv riri hop d dad is a responsible one